I wanted to share a little about the birth of this blog and my heart for what I pray it becomes. As a stay at home mother, I am daily reminded of my humanness. As a matter of fact, I think mothers across the board can attest to that fact. God has so graciously lavished upon us one of his most precious gifts...his children. He entrusts them to us and that humbles me so much that it takes my breath away. That is why I so deeply desire to do it right. To point my children to Jesus every day of their lives. But so often, my humanness gets in the way. I find myself slipping into laziness, idleness of thought and action that sends my sweet little family in a direction I have no desire going. I will find that Abby Kate watched TV most of the day, I spent way too much time on the internet or doing insignificant things that simply do not matter and I hate it. It makes me sick at heart. I truly believe God has called each of us to a life of intention. He so desires for every thought, action and word to be considered. And I believe, this goes especially in the lives of our children. Actually, He tells us so. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates."
This verse has both challenged and perplexed me. I have struggled with ways to enact this verse. I so desire to be a Mother that impresses God's commandments upon my children. I want to talk about them all day as He commands. But what does this look like? This was the question at the heart of this blog. How do I live intentionally before my children all day? What are things I can do to impress a life of faith upon their hearts?
So my goals for this blog are three-fold...
1. That we may grow as mothers/parents.
2. That we may gain new ideas to inspire creativity and structure for our days.
3. That we may gain a community of people that desire to intentionally point our children to Jesus through all we do, say and how we act and share ways to do just that!
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Each post we likely be from other contributors. I am merely serving as the narrator of this blog. I hope to glean as much or more than any reader. May He be glorified and a new generation of intentional families rise up....